Amtrak ticket prices can vary depending on several factors, such as demand, time of year, and specific routes. However, in general, train tickets tend to be cheapest on weekdays, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. These days typically have lower demand compared to weekends, when people are more likely to travel for leisure or other activities.
Here are a few reasons why weekdays, especially Tuesdays and Wednesdays, are often cheaper:
Lower demand: Fewer people travel for leisure or work during the middle of the week.
Sales and discounts: Amtrak sometimes releases special promotions or discounts on less busy days.
Flexibility: If you can be flexible with your schedule, traveling during off-peak hours (like mid-morning or early afternoon) can also result in lower fares.
It’s a good idea to book tickets in advance and monitor for any flash sales or deals to get the best price possible.