Using Uppy to upload Dropbox videos to the node/express server doesnt work with more than 1 instance rwf
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i have a simple server set up, with Uppy configured with Companion and the correct keys to enable dropbox, I can access dropbox and select my file, but if I’m running more than 1 server instance, the upload doesn’t go through I’m running the server on uppy docs state this configure Companion like this: server: { oauthDomain: <master domain (e.g to handle How to upload to uppy-server? Uppy. 5: 2216: May 24, 2018 September 24, 2023 Using Uppy to upload Dropbox videos to the node/express server doesnt work with more than 1 instance. Uppy. 1: 997: May 17, 2022 Uppy Dashboard + XHR doesn't send files to Django Backend. Uppy. 0: 946 NOTE: When using this middleware as an application level middleware (for example, app.use(cors())), pre-flight requests are already handled for all routes. That means that you don't need this part of the code. app.options('*', cors()) If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll look a little more into it – Andrew I read the documentation and try to joint Uppy to an existing server to use port 3000. And work with dropbox. Here is my current code. My server node and npm versions are 12.20.2 and 6.14.11. This upload files to TUS without any problem . Best way to handle video uploads in Node/Express, storage in AWS S3 Bucket? Preferably with some beginner-friendly docs. Looked at Uppy but can't for the world figure out how it works server side. Companion. Companion is an open source server application which takes away the complexity of authentication and the cost of downloading files from remote sources, such as Instagram, Google Drive, and others.Companion is a server-to-server orchestrator that streams files from a source to a destination, and files are never stored in Companion. API Options id . A unique identifier for this plugin (string, default is a unique ID for each plugin).title . Title / name shown in the UI, such as Dashboard tabs (string, default is the name of the plugin).target . DOM element, CSS selector, or plugin to place the drag and drop area into (string, Element, Function, or UIPlugin, default: Dashboard). For picking files from Facebook and friends, a server component is needed as you don’t want to leak auth secrets to browsers, so there’s not really a way around it. In addition, if you want to fetch a 4GB file from Dropbox, it’s better if that goes server->server, than server->smartphone->server as it will destroy mobile data plans and UX. The code snippet above sets up an express server and plugs Companion into it. However, the Companion setup doesn’t include a custom provider yet. It only includes the Dropbox provider. To be sure everything is working correctly so far, you can start the server by running: node server/index.js. It should log the following message in the console: This can be done by giving Uppy clients URLs to specific hosts in their companion_url settings, Using Uppy to upload Dropbox videos to the node/express server doesnt work with more than 1 instance. Uppy. 1: 994: May 17, 2022 Home ; Categories ;