Procedure for Private Limited Company Registration in India

Following is the step-by-step procedure for Private Limited Company Registration in India:

Step 1: Get DSC and DIN: As we know that the Private Limited Company Registration is completely online and you must file the application for Private Limited Company Registration online, so it is necessary to obtain Digital Signature Certificate to authenticate the documents you upload on the MCA portal. Also, you need to get a DIN to access the application form for the Private Limited Company Registration. Our experts will help you in obtaining DSC and DIN in minimal time.

Step 2: Filing Incorporation Form (SPICe+ Form): You can apply for Company Name Approval and PAN & TAN of the Company in 2 different parts as we mentioned below:

SPICe+ Part-A Form: In this Form, you need to pick 2 best names for your company. The SPICe+ Part A Form has the following fields:
Company Type: First, select “Private Limited Company” from the different types of Company Structures listed down in the form.
Class of Company: Then, choose the class of company whether a Company is Private, Public or One Person.
Category of Company: After that, choose if you want the Company to be limited by shares, by guarantee or have unlimited shares. The most popular one is to keep the Company limited by shares.
Sub-Category of Company: Choose the relevant sub-category with the help of our experts.
Main division: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has designated unique codes to the main divisions. Choose the one that fulfills your business requirements.
Description of the main division: In this section, you need to explain your business idea and specify the purpose of the products and/or services that you are going to offer in a detailed manner.
Proposed Company’s Name: Then, you can propose 2 names here.
Note: Once you completed SPICe+ Part-A Form and submitted it to the MCA, then it will take 3-4 days to approve. In case, both the proposed names get rejected, then you will get a 2nd chance to file for 2 more Company names. If all your 4 suggested names get rejected, then you need to file SPICe+ Part-A Form all over again.

But remember one thing, before filing the form you need to check if a Company with the identical name is already registered or not on the MCA portal. Once your Company’s name gets approval from MCA, then you can start filing the SPICe+ Part-B Form.

SPICe+ Part-B Form: Once the Company name has been reserved, then you need to file an application under SPICe+ Part-B Form along with the documents. The applicant is required to provide details regarding the designated Directors & Shareholders of the Company, details regarding the Company’s resources & registered office. You can also apply for PAN & TAN at this stage. The applicant is also required to conduct a pre-scrutiny check to review the correctness of the information filed under SPICe+ Part-B Form. Once the scrutiny check is done, then you can submit the Form.
Note: Also, there are certain forms which are to be filed along with the SPICe+ Part-B Form. The form which are associated with the SPICe+ Form are SPICe+ MoA, SPICe+ AoA, AGILE Pro, INC-9 and URC-1. The applicant must ensure that SPICe+ MoA and SPICe+ AoA Forms are filled as per the instructions provided under Schedule 1.

Step 3: Certificate of Incorporation: After the verification of the application & documents, the MCA grants the Certificate of Incorporation. Basically, it’s conclusive proof of the existence of the Company, wherein the Incorporation Date, CIN (Company Identification Number), PAN & TAN are mentioned with the sign & seal of the Registrar. Moreover, DIN is allotted to Directors with the Registration Approval. The CIN receipt is the proof of the legal existence of your business.

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