Levels of strong trademark for Business

Five categories are available for trademark strength. Consider them as the menu’s spiciness levels: one pepper, very mildly spicy. Five chilies? It’s a powerful trademark.

Trademark strength is separated into distinct levels according to the States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO): Fanciful, Arbitrary, Suggestive, Descriptive, and Generic.

A trademark’s chances of being accepted by the USPTO increase with its position on the strength scale. Now that we have created the hierarchy, let’s discuss how to distinguish between them.

Fanciful Trademarks: Such as Google®, Pepsi®, Xerox® etc. are made-up words that have no external meaning. These are the strongest trademarks.
Arbitrary Trademarks: Such as Apple® for computers, Camel® for cigarettes, Sun® in connection of computer technology etc. are well-known terms that have nothing to do with your products or services.
Suggestive Trademarks: Words such as Jaguar® suggests cars that are very fast and Microsoft® suggests software for small computers. This mark suggests to the products or services which are used.
Descriptive Trademarks: Words like Holiday Inn® that describe the products or services are used.
Generic Trademarks: Words that accurately describe the goods or services are used as generic trademarks; for example, Drinking Glass is used by a cup manufacturer. Generic marks are not approved by the USPTO.
In addition to weaker rights, descriptive marks may be accepted for the USPTO’s secondary Supplemental Register. Certain conditions must be satisfied, such as the mark being unique from its period in trade, before they can be accepted for the main Principal Register.

To know more, visit at: https://www.registerkaro.in/post/how-to-choose-a-strong-trademark-for-business
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