How do I practice for the Answer writing for UPSC?
One can only approach the proper answers if they have in-depth knowledge of a subject and are well-versed in both historical and contemporary developments relevant to UPSC syllabus as a whole. So, in order to produce excellent answers, one must adopt a consistent strategy for answering questions on a regular basis. however, there are still some core areas where aspirants want instruction, therefore with this in mind, one of the prominent and best IAS institute in Delhi- EDEN IAS has come up with two set of programs- SUGAM and STEPS, as a special pair of two courses that will help aspirants develop the daily habit of writing answers that are both comprehensive and imaginative. Because of this program’s assistance, candidates can begin with a beginner’s approach through SUGAM and then move on to STEPS, which will enable their acquaintance with some advanced modules.
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