Fast&Up is the preferred sports nutrition supplement.

Company Description: Fast&Up India has the ambitious target to fuel every active Indian! Fast&Up is the preferred sports nutrition supplement for elite athletes and teams across the country encompassing various sports. Offering intelligent effervescent supplements for your workout, training and active lifestyle. Our everyday essential products include Fortify for bone health and Vitalize which is India’s first effervescent multivitamin drink. Made using Swiss effervescent technology, our products are made in India and #FuelYourFit

Campaign Description: Fast & Up CPS campaign provides an opportunity for the publisher to earn commission every time a customer purchases any product from through admitad’s affiliate link.

Target Geo: India

Cookie time: 30 Days.

Allowed Traffic: Mentioned in the traffic sources tab.

Validation Cycle: 30 Days

Tracking: Online

Objective: To generate sales for Fast & UP CPS campaign.

Brand Stop Words – Fast & Up, Fast and UP, Fast UP, Aeronutrix SPorts

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