Documents you will need for Society Registration

Documents you will need for Society Registration
The following are the documents required for Society Registration in India:
PAN Card
ulArrowPAN card of all the members of the proposed society has to be submitted along with the application.
Residence Proof
The residence proof of all the members of the society also has to be submitted. The following can be used as valid residence proof:
ulArrowBank Statement
ulArrowAadhaar Card
ulArrowUtility Bill
ulArrowDriving License
Memorandum of Association
The memorandum of association has to be prepared which will contain the following clauses and information
ulArrowThe work and the objectives of the society for which it is being established.
ulArrowThe details of the members forming the society.
ulArrowIt will contain the address of the registered office of the society.
Rules & Regulations of the Society
The rules and regulations of the society also have to be prepared which will contain the following information:
ulArrowRules and regulations by which the working of the society will be governed and the maintenance of day to day activities.
ulArrowIt will contain the rules for taking the membership of the society.
ulArrowThe details about the meetings of the society and the frequency with which they are going to be held is to be mentioned.
ulArrowInformation about the Auditors.
ulArrowForms of Arbitration in case of any dispute between the members of the society.
ulArrowWays for the dissolution of the society will also be mentioned
Covering letter
ulArrowA covering letter mentioning the objective or the purpose for which the society is being formed will be annexed to the beginning of the application. It will be signed by all the founding members of the society.
ulArrowOnce the rules have been formed, they can be changed but the new set of rules will be signed by the President, Chairman, Vice President and the Secretary of the Society.
Proof of Address
ulArrowA copy of the proof of address where the registered office of the society will be located along with a NOC from the landlord if any has to be attached.
List of all the members
ulArrowA list of all the members of the governing body has to be given along with their signatures.
ulArrow A declaration has to be given by the president of the proposed society that he is willing and competent to hold the said post.
ulArrow All the above documents have to be submitted to the Registrar of Societies along with the requisite fees in 2 copies. On receiving the application, the registrar will sign the first copy as acknowledgement and return it while keeping the second copy for approval. On proper vetting of the documents, the registrar will issue an Incorporation Certificate by allotting a registration number to it.
ulArrow The signed Rules & Regulations, as well as Memorandum, has to be filed with the concerned society or registrar of state with a mentioned fee. If the registrar is fulfilled with the society registration application, then they will certify that the society is registered.