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Bonjour. Dans cette vidéo, nous vous parlons du scandale impliquant le fils de Baltasar Engonga Edjo’o qui est une affaire devenue fortement médiatique. Ce Voici les 400 vidéos de balthazar full HD VIDÃO #comedyvideo #funny #comedie #comedy #comediens #humour #couple #moviehumor #comedien #fun #balthakre les vi About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 1015 Likes, 48 Comments. TikTok video from AbroadLyfe (@ejikorode): “Watch the full video compilation of 400 original videos from Balthazar Ebang Engonga. Get a list of all 400 videos by Balthazar Ebang here. #Balthazar #VideoCompilation #OriginalVideos”. Le scandale des sextapes secoue la Guinée Ãquatoriale depuis la diffusion de 400 vidéos compromettantes. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, fils du président de la CEMAC, apparaît dans ces enregistrements réalisés dans son bureau. 7357 j’aime,166 commentaires.Vidéo TikTok de Skynoce (@skynoce) : « Découvrez le scandale de Balthazar en Guinée avec 400 vidéos originales. Regardez la vidéo de Balthazar Ebang Engonga et participez au défi ! #Balthazar #GuinéeÃquatoriale #Scandale ». 8083 Likes, 186 Comments. TikTok video from ladymidulce (@ladymidulce): “Discover the full compilation of Balthazar videos, including original content and behind-the-scenes footage. Dive into the world of Balthazar like never before! #Balthazar #Videos #Exclusive #BehindTheScenes”. Balthazar Ebang Engonga videos – The Director General, of the National Financial Investigation Agency in Equatorial Guinea, Baltasar Engonga, has been arrested for allegedly recording over 400 sex tapes of the wives of notable people in the country. The scandal emerged in the course of a fraud investigation against the 54-year-old Economist which resulted in In a scandal that has sent shockwaves through Equatorial Guinea, Baltasar Engonga, the Director General of the National Financial Investigation Agency, finds himself at the center of a major controversy. Engonga was arrested after investigators uncovered a staggering collection of over 400 sextapes during a routine fraud investigation. These tapes are not just immensely personal but are also Balthazar Ebang Engonga 400 leak video. Cristina, who has been seen visibly affected by what is happening, claims that she was Baltasar’s partner for four years, during which the videos were recorded. However, she insisted that it was under the condition that they would be deleted after viewing.